Rock Solid Knowledge is pleased to announce the beta release of IdentityManager2, the newest version of the IdentityManager project, ported to ASP.NET Core with example support for ASP.NET Core Identity (ASP.NET Identity 3).
The IdentityManager project was originally created as a replacement for the ASP.NET WebSite Administration tool that used to come with Visual Studio, helping developers bootstrap user accounts for testing.
IdentityManager2 is mostly a port of the original IdentityManager project, using the same Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS front-end; however, it does include a slightly refreshed backend API, now running on ASP.NET Core and updated to handle the async only ASP.NET Identity API.
Rock Solid Knowledge are also the developers for the commercial identity management product AdminUI. While AdminUI will remain the focus of our development efforts, offering production-ready products for user and IdentityServer management, IdentityManager will be maintained as a developer tool allowing you to bootstrap test or initial users.
If you’re interested in contributing to IdentityManager2, then keep an eye out for any “up for grabs” issues on the GitHub.
If you want to learn more about IdentityManager2, check out my article Getting Started with IdentityManager2.